
Fill out the form below to become a member.

It’s free !

Becoming a member means:


Being part of the largest mutual aid, support and women’s advocacy network in Quebec;


Expressing your affiliation;


Contributing to improving the living conditions of all women.

Your privileges as a member include :


Participating in our fair and equitable feminist society project;


Participating and having the right to vote regarding decisions at the Annual General Meeting;


Having the right to freely participate on work committees, the Board of Directors or become a volunteer;


Encouraging working women to act for a better-adapted work environment;


Manifesting your dissensions and acting to change our society;


Expressing your affiliation with the center, because it makes a difference to funding agencies;


And finally, sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

Femmes en Mouvement

152 Avenue de Grand Pré
Bonaventure, QC
G0C 1E0
Phone number: 418 534-4345
Email :

Opening hours
Monday : 9h00 - 12h00 and 13h00 - 17h00
Tuesday : 9h00 - 12h00
Wednesday : 9h00 - 12h00 and 13h00 - 17h00
Thursday : 09h00 - 12h00 and 13h00 - 17h00

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